Perinatal Addiction
A Place to Call Home, provides residential independent transitional living for women with struggles with substance abuse in Gloucester, Cumberland, and Salem Counties.
For Baby and Me, provides safe housing for pregnant and parenting women addicted to opioid pain medication and heroin.
The Perinatal Addictions Project provides early screening of prenatal patients for drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, education in the community to increase awareness of perinatal substance use disorders and community outreach.

Moms Quit Connection (MQC) provides free one-on-one counseling for pregnant and postpartum women; moms, dads, and family members.
NJ Quitline provides live coaches and online tools to promote individuals becoming tobacco free.
Tobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey provides an array of cessation options, through free one-on-one counseling.

Mental Health
New Jersey Department of Health provides comprehensive access to maternal and child health resources provided by the state.
Postpartum Wellness Initiative services women with perinatal mood disorders by linking women with local support groups through the warmline, 24/7 online support, Mom Mood Booster and other valuable resources.

African American Resources
National Black Equity Collaborative focuses on the assurance of the conditions of optimal births for all people with a willingness to address racial and social inequities in a sustained effort.
Melanated Moms a community-based membership for moms and women of color.
In Our Voice is a national-state partnership focused on lifting up the voices of Black women leaders at the national and regional levels in our fight to secure Reproductive Justice for all women, femmes, and girls.

NAACP Maternal Experience Survey
The experience of Black mothers matters. The NAACP Black Infant and Maternal Mortality Taskforce strives to improve maternal and child health care, and reduce inequities for Women of Color. Your story will help to produce change and better outcomes in New Jersey. To participate in the survey scan the QR code or click on this link
Alcohol and Addictions
Alcohol and substance abuse can be scary, especially when pregnant. It is important to talk to your physician about your options for keeping you and your baby healthy. Your physician will be able to provide you with treatment options and specialized care for your pregnancy.
It is essential to avoid using alcohol or other substances while pregnant because it may cause serious harm to you and your baby. Using these substances can increase the risk of fetal death, premature birth, low birth weight, and slower brain development.
Getting help can be scary, but New Jersey has resources that assist women in getting treatment for their drug and alcohol abuse.
Project Embrace - Southern New Jersey Prenatal Cooperative, 856-675-5310
Partnership for Maternal and Child Health – Perinatal Addictions Prevention Project - 1-844-276-2777
Central Jersey Family Health Consortium -– Perinatal Addictions Prevention Project - 732-937-5437 ext. 135
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
Alcohol is especially dangerous to use while pregnant because it travels through the placenta and into the baby via the umbilical cord. In an adult, alcohol is quickly broken down within hours, but it lingers within the fetus. The longer the alcohol remains in the baby, the greater the likelihood of having an adverse effect on the brain and other vital organs. There are several potential consequences to drinking while pregnant, like a miscarriage or premature birth. While some of the disorders of FASD may not be immediately obvious, some of the most common effects are physical and behavioral problems.
Remember, you don’t have to quit alone. Reach out to your medical provider and confide in someone in your immediate support system.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Organizations/Programs:
Families Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (F.A.F.A.S.D.)